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What is one thing that hospitals, universities, community outreach centers, and the Chabad Student Network have in common? They all rely on the support of the community to offer much needed programs and services to people of all backgrounds. Whether you have attended one or a hundred Shabbat dinners or holiday events at the Chabad Student Network, or are simply an admirer of the work we do, you know how important it is that we are here for students, offering them a way to connect to and learn about their Judaism while studying in university.

The Chai Club is a unique opportunity for alumni and supporters to give back to the Jewish community. Your monthly donation combined with dozens of other chai club members' monthly donations, enable us to continue offering Shabbat dinners, High Holiday services and meals, Chanukah and Purim celebrations, and Passover Seders, along with a kaleidoscope of opportunities for Jewish education and experiences. Chai means life. The word Chai, made up of the letters Chet and Yud, have a numerical value of 18, making this number special in Judaism. (Other amounts are available too.)

For just $18, two more students can eat at a Shabbat dinner; a Mezuza can be purchased for a student's dorm room; or three more students can have lunch with an educational class on Judaism. For just $18. Less than dinner & a movie.

To show our appreciation for your dedication, all members will receive an annual gift from the Chabad Student Network. Additionally, an exclusive annual alumni reunion for Chai Club members will be held in one of three locations: Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto.


Personal Information


First Last

Mailing Address

City State/Province


Phone Email

Payment Information

All cards will be processed on the first of every month. To have your card charged on a different day, please specify in the Special Instructions section below. A tax receipt will be issued annually in January for the sum of the previous year's monthly contributions.

Card Number Expiry Date

CVV Code (on back of card)

YES! I want to give Chai - $18 monthly

I would like to give a different amount.

I would like my donation to be an annual lump sum, in the amount of


Special Instructions